Some information
about myself
- output year : 1974
- height: 68,5 inches (in Europe except UK : 174 cm)
- hands: two (left and right, the right one sometimes seems to be similar to the left one)
- legs: two (left and right)
- body: 1
- head: 1 (including brain, ears, nose and other standard accessories)
- number of fingers: 20 (10+10)
- additional accessories:
- length of hair - 50 cm
- lens : L-6, R-5,5
- base: MOS (my mummy´s OS)
- upgrade:
- NOS (nursery´s OS)
- KOS (kindergarten´s OS)
- ESOS (elementary school´s OS) + CASOS (children art school´s OS)
- ISOS (industrial school´s OS – SPSE Jicin)
- my family of course
- computing machines
- internet
- programming
- microcontrollers (x51, NEC, Z80, MOTOROLA, TEXAS)
- my own projects
- my present group
- I listen to all kinds of music, except traditional and folk music and present-day technomusic)
- good Czech humour (theatresand films)
- beer - Krakonos 12, well cooled and well tapped
spoken languages
- Czech
- Slovak
- Deutch (crisis knowledge: I’m hungry, I’ll have a beer, I’m broke, I want to go to bed)
- English (similar to Deutch, but I am working on it)
- Polish (I know how to say corner-kick)
- Russian (it is my graduation subject, but I won´t be probably understood)